Monday, February 20, 2012

A journey from Rome to my hometown in progress

Edegem, April 2011.
One year from now I hope to leave Rome for a journey on foot to the north. The idea slumbers for quite a while, no one know where it came from. The shape, the outlines on the map, the fit with the seasons, has been considered. The Why? This will be explained because it is a question that will be raised by many. But it is not the explanation that lies at the origin of this quest. Rather it’s a hard to define impulse that is not to resists. 
With this kind of undertaking it is the road not his starting or end point that is important. Whatever path to follow, begin and end point are already fixed. The Pantheon in Rome, home of all gods, will be my departure point and I hope to arrive at the railroad station in Antwerp, cathedral of all voyagers.

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